AA Global Solutions, Inc., is one of the leading consulting firm. The firm’s consultants help business leaders make the big decisions that will direct their organizations’ futures (strategy), and then help them realize those futures.

Our Location


Fairfax, Virginia, U.S.A.


DOHS Baridhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh
AL WASL, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Cyber Security & Cloud Technology

Cybersecurity Engineering

Securing IT solutions throughout the development lifecycle helps organizations prevent future Cyber threats and vulnerabilities. We provide comprehensive support to architect, engineer, test, and deploy secure IT solutions that meet our clients business needs and comply with Federal statutory, legislative and regulatory requirements.

Cybersecurity Operations

Proactively monitoring and defending against Cyber attacks is vital in today’s ever-changing Cyber landscape. We provide mission essential functions in support of maintaining a full-scope Information Assurance (IA), Computer Network Defense (CND), Incident Response (IR) and Physical and Personnel Security programs for our clients.

Cybersecurity Risk Management

A robust and effective Cybersecurity Risk Management process is critical in protecting an organization’s valuable employees, IT systems, and overall reputation. TISTA helps manage risk by performing system assessments, determining risk mitigation strategies, defining protection requirements, establishing organizational security programs, and supporting FISMA compliance efforts. We strongly believe that an effective IT Security Compliance and Policy Program is a business-enabling process which provides a road map for moving an organization from near-term tactical security implementations to long-term strategic planning.

Cloud Technology

Our certified cloud technologists and engineers are providing industry standard cloud solution with high security and cloud custodians. In the recent Technology world, Platform as a service (PaaS) or application platform as a service (aPaaS) is a category of cloud computing services that provides a platform allowing customers to develop, run, manage, and deploy applications without the complexity of building and maintaining the infrastructure typically associated with developing and deploying.

We are offering a secure cloud services platform, compute power, database storage, content delivery and other functionality to help businesses scale and grow.