AA Global Solutions, Inc., is one of the leading consulting firm. The firm’s consultants help business leaders make the big decisions that will direct their organizations’ futures (strategy), and then help them realize those futures.

Our Location


Fairfax, Virginia, U.S.A.


DOHS Baridhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh
AL WASL, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Data Science & Big Data

Data Management & Integration

Effectively managing and integrating various data types such as structured and unstructured data has become essential in making better informed business decisions. This data consolidation provides organizations with a more comprehensive view of information related to multiple Business Units that often work in silos. We work with our clients to provide a host of services that include business intelligence and data warehousing for critical data such as chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) incidents.

Data Analytics

Visualizing data in order to identify patterns and generate meaningful reports is challenging in today’s world of big data. Our end-to-end Enterprise Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence solutions provide an integrated, enterprise-wide view of data stored in numerous, disparate data sources. Our solutions provide a consolidated, clear dashboard view of essential information allowing organizations to make data-driven decisions.

Big Data

Transforming and processing Big Data into usable data can further assist organizations with achieving their strategic goals and objectives. Our team provides support in integrating enterprise-wide Big Data solutions as well as visualizing this data through customizable reporting and dashboarding tools built on Microsoft .NET, SharePoint, SQL Server 2008/2012 tools and platforms.